How to Write a Conclusion for an Assignment

What Is a Conclusion?

A conclusion is a summary of the whole assignment. It should restate the thesis, summarize key ideas presented in the assignment, and leave the reader with a final idea about the topic in general to ponder further! It is the most logical way to end an assignment. Conclusion writing is not so difficult! The purpose of a conclusion is to link the thesis statement (written in the introduction) with main ideas or points (made in the main body) and provide an overall message. A conclusion provides closure and is expected in most academic related writing, including assignments, research papers, and essays. At AssignmentBro you can order assignment help online and our expert writers help with any difficulty homework.

How to Write a Conclusion for Your Essay

To write an assignment conclusion, follow the 7 simple steps below!

  1. Start a conclusion paragraph by indenting the first line or leaving a blank line in between the last main body paragraph and the conclusion.
  2. Use a suitable starting word or phrase to indicate the assignment is drawing to a close, such as, ‘In summary’ or ‘With all this in mind’ (read on for further example starter words and phrases).
  3. Revisit your introduction to remind yourself of the thesis e.g.,‘The biggest contributor to global warming is animal agriculture’. Then, either paraphrase or answer the thesis e.g., ‘In summary, animal agriculture is the main cause of global warming’.
  4. Summarize the main point made by each paragraph in the assignment. So, if you have written 3 main body paragraphs, there should be 3 main points stated in the conclusion e.g., The animal agricultural sector causes extensive GHG emissions. As the world population grows, increasingly colossal areas of rainforest are being cleared for farmed animals, to keep up the demand for meat. Furthermore, seemingly unmeasurable amounts of animal wastes are polluting vast areas of land and water, thus ruining the biodiversity that helps to keep our planet’s GHG’s balanced’.
  5. Ensure you do not give the reader any new information. The conclusion is not the place for this.
  6. To end a paragraph, give your readers a closing sentence about the overall topic and try to encourage them to think further e.g., ‘If the world’s population continues to grow at its current rate and we do not make the shift towards a plant-based diet fast enough, we may reach a point whereby the damage to the ozone layer is beyond repair’.
  7. Finally, end a conclusion, proof-read it! Do not skip this part! There is no point writing an amazing conclusion in assignment if readers cannot understand it or spot several spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors!

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Typical Words to Start a Conclusion

It’s important for the reader to sense the assignment is ending. Here are some useful words and phrases that can help you achieve this, and transition well into the concluding paragraph of your assignment:

  • Given the circumstances
  • Now that one knows
  • Overall
  • The logical conclusion appears to be
  • To summarize
  • Ultimately
  • Upon consideration of the facts discussed
  • After the exploration of multiple professional viewpoints
  • In view of this information
  • In summary
  • Nevertheless
  • When faced with the dilemma of
  • Bearing all this in mind
  • It seems clear that
  • Given the evidence presented
  • In general
  • With all aspects considered

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A Conclusion Example for Assignment

When writing a conclusion for an assignment, it can be easier to see an example:

Overall, owning a pet is a huge commitment that can span many years of one’s life. A pet will require regular feeding and day-to-day care. Many pets need large amounts of human interaction, attention, and affection which can be time-consuming. Furthermore, a pet may incur great costs by means of food, medical care and pet sitting (whenever the owner wants to go on vacation without the pet). The decision of whether to welcome a pet into your home must be considered in great depth, and at length, to prevent another potentially unwanted animal ending its life in an animal shelter. 

Conclusion Example for an Assignment

Now, it’s time for this article’s conclusion…

Ultimately, writing a concluding paragraph is simple when you refer to the introduction for the assignment, and the key points made in the main body. All the information you need is already there, but it just needs re-working to provide the reader with closure, and perhaps also get them thinking further about the points you have made!

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