60 Good Topics For English Assignment

english assignment topics

The Challenges of English Assignment Writing

The most challenging part of the English class is submitting all of the assignments on time while keeping things unique. As you choose assignment topics for English class, think about your essay structure first! Your introduction part should talk about the problem that you approach and introduce your event or a concept in the best way possible. Remember that if you plan to use any external information or statistics, it requires a citation link with full referencing to avoid plagiarism risks. Even if it’s only an English assignment to evaluate your writing, one must follow the highest writing and academic standards. As you choose your topic, ensure that it reflects your main thesis and can be connected to your primary argument. Ask our homework writers for english homework help.

60 Unique English Assignment Topics to Explore

Take your time to explore 60 English essay topics:

📚 Education.

Numerous English courses will choose the subject of education for reflective journal writing purposes or assignments where college students explain their growth and progress through academic studies. Some may also focus on online education and the related challenges. The purpose is to explore and show excellent English skills.

  1. The pros and cons of online education: the lack of emotional attachment.
  2. Why should the use of smartphones in the classroom become forbidden?
  3. A comparison of the American education system versus the Arabic system.
  4. The importance of writing skills for strategic analysis.
  5. Blog writing and social media as a measure to combat anxiety and insecurities.
  6. The racial prejudice in education and the ways to address the problem.
  7. Private school education and boarding school: are they still relevant?
  8. School uniforms: do they help to provide social equality?
  9. Reading books in print versus electronic books: the tactical feelings.
  10. Social distancing and emerging learning methods: the lessons we have learned.

📺 Entertainment.

Dealing with entertainment may sound easy because you can choose anything from fashion to the review of the concert that you have attended in person. All of this scope of essay types relates to English assignments. If you don’t have enough time you can ask for write my assignment online from our experts. Here are some topics to consider:

  1. Should the movie theaters provide strict moral standards regarding what’s being shown?
  2. How have humour shows changed during the last few decades?
  3. Leisure times at college: what are the best methods to release stress?
  4. Attending an art exhibition: how should a college student take notes and provide an analysis?
  5. My favourite celebrity: the things that are worth being a role model for me.
  6. The history of the Arabic invasion of the United States.
  7. The club culture in Manchester versus Liverpool: analysis of the youth.
  8. The role of Princess Diana in the fashion industry in the UAE.
  9. Should children be allowed to become advertisement models and participate in the entertainment industry.
  10. The intercultural relations in Arabic society.

👨‍👩‍👦 Family & Social Issues.

Choosing family relations for your English assignment can be a good option, especially if you are studying Sociology or Psychology. This way you can focus on theories and case studies as a solution. Also you can get help with psychology assignment or sociology homework at AssignmentBro

  1. Addressing the cases of domestic child abuse and the role of the educators.
  2. Does strict parenting lead to negative changes in the children who become frightened and never tell the truth?
  3. The bullying in the workplace: how can companies help to prevent the cases of verbal attacks?
  4. The racial prejudice and the negative stigma regarding the Black culture in the UAE.
  5. Should parents become active participants in social media?
  6. Environmental education of the minors: learning by example and the parental role.
  7. Family traditions typical for the Arabic society: before the global changes.
  8. The wealth in the diversity: how can we embrace the international culture.
  9. Families with low income and the attitude to education.
  10. How can we address depression and anxiety during the Covid-19 restrictions?

You may also approach more personal subjects:

📊 Business Matters.

Modern college students often approach ideas like starting a business or becoming an entrepreneur as they are dealing with an English assignment task. Consider these topics for assignment in English business studies:

  1. How can a young college student start a business in the UAE?
  2. My first work experience: the things I have learned.
  3. The labour legislation in the UAE: the things I would change.
  4. Business relations and the promotion methods used by the Arabic brands.
  5. Consumerism in our society: what are the causes of negativity?

⚽️ Sports.

Students interested in soccer, tennis, athletics, or any other sports can write about sports and the recovery and outdoor disciplines.

  1. The role of sports for young people and the culture of staying fit.
  2. The culture of watching soccer matches in the United Arab Emirates: where does alcohol come in?
  3. The culture of college athletes in the United States: what is the Arabic alternative?
  4. Is playing lawn tennis a part of being a typical Arabic person?
  5. Women in sports: how have things changed for the UAE society?

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🎭 Culture, Music, & Arts.

It’s always good when you can conduct some research and explore your favourite music style or the artists that you admire. See suitable English writing assignment topics in this field:

  1. The culture of music halls and the media portrayal of the music communities.
  2. The influence of American rap music on the Arabic youth.
  3. The importance of music education for college students: a mental recovery.
  4. The heritage of the Arabic Broadcasting Corporation.
  5. The cultural misconceptions that I believed as a child.

🙋 Personal Beliefs

If you are not planning to choose a particular subject and want to write a reflective assignment for your English class, think about brainstorming these topic ideas:

  1. The things that help me to become a better person as I learned.
  2. Facing the biggest dilemma of my life or how to overcome my fears.
  3. The most important thing my parents have told me.
  4. Growing up in a multicultural family.
  5. Watching the world through the lens of the armed conflicts and the refugees.
  6. My first travel experience abroad: the most shocking aspects I’ve learned.
  7. Life in the post-Brexit society: how can we adjust our EU ties.
  8. The reasons why religion and politics should never mix.
  9. Coming back to college studies after becoming a parent.
  10. My attitude to friendship and love as a college student.

📖 Literature

You may also think about writing about your beloved books because it will help you show your English skills in the best way possible. We have presented the best topics for English assignment writing on literature:

  1. The heritage of William Shakespeare and his take on time and love.
  2. The tragic portrayal of poverty in the writing of Charles Dickens.
  3. The Biblical motives in the writing of C.S. Lewis.
  4. Modern Arabic poetry authors: do they follow the classics?
  5. Physical libraries in the United Arab Emirates: how can we preserve our cultural wealth?

How to Choose Your Topic and Write English Assignment

Unless you already have a prompt provided by your college professor, always choose something that inspires you and reflects the assignment objectives that have been set. For example, if you are studying Psychology, you can talk about the mental issues or superstitious beliefs that are followed by the college students. If you are an athlete, you can choose sports as your primary subject and explore anything from sports culture to the trauma recovery processes. It may require time and getting things structured, which is why consider help with English assignments writing. When you are stuck and need assistance with proofreading, you shouldn’t waste time as the assignment help is available 24/7. Think about your structure, create your thesis statement, and always learn more about the essay type required!

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