Current Biotechnology Assignment Topics to Write About

Biotechnology Assignment Topics

Biotechnology is the application of science and engineering to the processing or production of food, drugs, fuel, and other products.

Biotechnology is a broad term that covers any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof to make or modify products (such as pharmaceuticals), to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific purposes. It also includes genetic engineering in which DNA is cut and pasted from one organism into another. It can be used in medicine. Its advantages include better understanding of biology and medicine, improved yield of crops, less food waste and more nutritious food.

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Who is studying Biotechnology?

Biotechnology is a subject that is taught in many schools across the world and is often studied by students in high school and college. Biotechnology is a broad field with many different applications. It can be divided into different sub-disciplines, including agriculture, medicine, and environmental science.

Students who study biotechnology will be exposed to the latest research in this field. This can help them develop an understanding of how biotechnology works and how it can be used to help people around the world. Biotechnology also has many practical applications for students who wish to pursue careers in science and engineering fields as well as for those who want to work in related industries such as agriculture or health care.

What does the discipline of Biotechnology include?

Biotechnology includes many different fields:

  • Bioinformatics – The field of bioinformatics involves using computer science techniques to analyze biological data. Data from gene sequencing machines are often used as inputs into bioinformatics software programs.
  • Genetic engineering – Genetic engineering involves manipulating DNA to alter an organism’s genes. This technology can be used to create new organisms or improve existing ones.
  • Immunology – Immunologists work in infectious disease research and develop vaccines that prevent disease by boosting our natural defenses against disease-causing agents such as bacteria or viruses.
  • Microbiology – Microbiologists study microbes (such as bacteria) that cause diseases in humans, animals and plants. They also study how these microbes grow and how they can be controlled so they don’t cause disease in humans or animals.
  • Biochemistry – This is the study of chemicals in living organisms at a molecular level. Biochemists study how cells use energy, store energy, communicate with each other and produce chemical reactions within cells.
  • Genomics – This is the study of an organism’s genome or complete set of genes.

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Controversial Biotechnology Topics

  1. Should Gmos Be Labeled?
  2. Animal Testing On Genetically Modified Animals
  3. Is Cloning Really Harmful Or Should It Be Banned?
  4. Human Genetic Modification
  5. Environment Effect From Genetically Modified Crops
  6. Should Genetically Modified Organisms Be Used As Medical Treatments?
  7. Is Genetic Modification Beneficial?
  8. Dangers Of The Release Of Genetically Modified Species Into The Wild
  9. Do You Think Biotechnology Should Be Used More Or Not At All?
  10. What Are Some Of The Ways That Biotechnology Could Help People?
  11. How Would Being Able To Change Human DNA Affect Humans? Plants? Animals?
  12. Do You Think Scientists Should Not Tamper With The Human Genome Because It Is Dangerous, Or Do You Think That They Should Be Allowed To Make?
  13. Trans-Humanism
  14. Genetic Engineering Controversies In Europe And The U.S.

Biotechnology Topics For Presentation

  1. Genetically Engineered Commodities In The Environment
  2. Your Kids Are Eating It: Genetically Modified Food In Schools
  3. Are Gm Crops Needed In Africa?
  4. Fish Farming Practices In The United States
  5. Genetic Engineering And Genetic Modification
  6. Displays, Diagnostics, Sensors And Imaging Equipment Based On Biomolecular Recognition Phenomena
  7. Biotechnology Is Helping To Save The Environment
  8. Applications Of Recombinant Dna In Gene Therapy
  9. Advantageous Effects Of Biotechnology On Humans And Animals
  10. Advantages Of The Use Of Biotechnology In Medicine
  11. Applications Of Biotechnology To Solve Environmental Problems
  12. Research Categories And Human Diseases Treated By Biotechnological Advances
  13. The History Of Biotechnology
  14. Bacterial Modification For Medical Purposes
  15. Human Genetic Modification For Medical Purposes
  16. Biotechnology As A Sustainable Tool For Development In Developing Countries
  17. Socio-Economic Impact Of Biotechnology
  18. The Future Of Genetically Modified Organisms
  19. The Ethics Behind Biotechnology
  20. Prospects Of Biotech Industry In Usa
  21. Embryo Cloning Technology

Environmental Biotechnology

  1. How can we use biotech in textiles?
  2. Making biofuels from waste and natural resources
  3. How Biomass Becomes Biofuel
  4. Microbes and the Environment
  5. Fungi for Water Treatment
  6. Global Pollution and the Carbon Cycle
  7. Alternative Fuels from Organic matter
  8. Managing Waste from Agriculture and Animal Feeding Operations
  9. Climate Change and Genetic Engineering to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  10. Biological resources used in Environmental Biotechnology
  11. How Businesses can Profit from Environmental Biotechnology
  12. Top 5 Environmental Biotechnology Challenges
  13. Biodegradable Food Packaging
  14. Additional Resources for Bioremediation
  15. Bioremediated Soil: Sources of Contamination
  16. Bioremediation Site Remediation
  17. Enzymes for Wastewater Treatment
  18. Odor Control at Landfills
  19. Additional Resources for Bioremediation
  20. What are the emerging technologies in water treatment processes?
  21. Different Types of Biomass used for Power Generation
  22. How does Carbon Cycle use Bacteria?
  23. How to help purify Water?
  24. Production of Biofuels such as Ethanol and Biodiesel

Medical Biotechnology

  1. Treatment of cancer using biotechnology
  2. Diabetes treatment using insulin therapy and artificial pancreas
  3. Reactive Metabolic Network Modeling in Cell-Specific Gene Expression Studies and Stochastic Flux Analysis to Study Metabolic
  4. Wearables and Personalized Medicine
  5. Regulatory Challenges of Genomics
  6. The Dark Side of Gene Editing
  7. How Medical Biotechnology Developed
  8. The Balance Between Profit and Safety in Medical Biotechnology
  9. Setting Up a Medical Biotechnology Business
  10. Corporate Social Responsibilities of Medical Companies
  11. What is regenerative medicine?
  12. Regenerative medicine and the human body
  13. A View of the Future of Medicine
  14. Anti-CRPS-T Cell Immunotherapy Research
  15. 3D Bioprinting Medical Implants and Organs
  16. What is cell therapy?
  17. Advancements in stem cell treatment
  18. Protection from Disease with Medical Biotechnology

Current Topics In Biotechnology

  1. Why does biotech exist?
  2. Who regulates biotech and how?
  3. Future of Genetically Modified Crop Plants in Developing Countries
  4. Using bacteria as a renewable resource for human purposes
  5. Economic factors and how they relate to genetically modified crops
  6. The use of GMOs and practices surrounding their safety
  7. The labeling of foods with modified DNA
  8. How biotech can help solve world hunger?
  9. How are Animals Used in Medical Research?
  10. Facilitating the Production of Biofuels and Food
  11. How to Manage the Risk in Biotechnological Projects
  12. Gene Expression Profile – A New Biotechnological Application For PCR?
  13. Biotechnology is a huge industry, but is it ethical?
  14. New Breakthrough in Stem Cell Research
  15. Clinical Trials of Genetically Engineered Organs

Food Biotechnology

  1. How can biotech help solve world hunger?
  2. Slowed growth in food diversity
  3. Health risks in genetically modified food
  4. 3 surprising innovations in food science
  5. The first commercial lab-grown burger
  6. How does genetically engineered microorganisms produce vanilla flavor?
  7. The History of Transgenic Corn
  8. Food biotechnology by country
  9. Types of gene technology used in food production
  10. Government regulation of food biotechnology
  11. How it improves food quality, quantity and nutritional value of foods
  12. Production of amino acids
  13. Production of sweeteners
  14. Production of vitamins
  15. Production of food colours and flavours
  16. Benefits of biotechnologically modified foods for our health

Pharmacy Biotechnology

  1. Protein structure and function
  2. Techniques and methods of protein production
  3. List of Agonists and Antagonists (Drug)
  4. Broad spectrum antibiotic
  5. Innovations in Drug Development and its Application
  6. Basic Background Of Drug Development
  7. Pharmaceutical Statistics For Clinical Trials
  8. Drug Discovery And Development Methods
  9. Experimental Medicine And Traditional Chinese Medicine
  10. Human Genetics: Cancer Biology And Genomics
  11. Cellular Modeling For Anticancer Drug Discovery
  12. The Genomics Revolution And Implications For The Pharmaceutical Industry
  13. Molecular Pharmacology Of Drug Resistance In Cancer Cells
  14. Antisense Therapy In Molecular Biotechnology

Biotechnology Problem Topics

  1. Animal Testing
  2. Animal Rights And Animal Welfare
  3. Global Pandemics And Biosecurity
  4. The Biosynthesis Of Simple Sugars
  5. Biosynthesis Of Amino Acids
  6. What Are The Possible Uses In Curing Diseases Caused By Viruses And Bacteria?
  7. What Are The Possible Risks To Human Health And The Environment In Using Genetically Modified Foods?
  8. The Effects Of Reduced Uvb Radiation On Plants
  9. The Role Of Asymmetric Cell Division And Polar Asymmetry In Molluscs Development
  10. The Accuracy Of The Tests Used To Detect A Disease
  11. Current Trends In Gene Therapy

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Industrial Biotechnology

  1. Key Technologies In The Green Industry
  2. Best Ways To Reduce Energy Costs
  3. Technology For Sustainable Development
  4. The Best Insulation Materials
  5. Technology For Sustainable Agriculture
  6. Converting Ethanol Production From Grain Into Drop-In Biofuels
  7. Enzymes For Present And Future Biofuels Applications
  8. Types Of Bioremediation Techniques
  9. Bioremediation Case Studies
  10. How Did The Industrial Revolution Impact Biotechnology?
  11. What Was The Genetic Technology Used For During The Colonial Era?
  12. How Did Biotechnology Affect Humans Throughout History?
  13. Why Industrial Biotechnology Is The Way To Sustainable Development?

Molecular Biotechnology

  1. The advantages of using Bacteria in biotechnology
  2. Large scale genome sequencing
  3. Small scale genome sequencing
  4. Sequencing genes for gene therapy
  5. Applying biosensors for biotechnological applications
  6. Controlling Microbial Infections from Pathogenic Bacteria
  7. DNA replication in prokaryotes
  8. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  9. Site-directed Mutagenesis
  10. DNA sequencing by hybridization
  11. How DNA is used as a Tool for Gene Transfer?
  12. Plasmid DNA Preparation Using the Liquid Nitrogen Freezer Technique
  13. Plasmids: General Information and Uses

Cardiac Biotechnology

  1. Bioprosthetic Heart Valve
  2. Bioprosthetic Aortic and Mitral Valves
  3. Artificial Heart
  4. Stem Cells Transplantation in Heart Disease
  5. Implantable vs. Non-implantable Heart
  6. Treatment for heart failure
  7. Invasive cardiac technology

Ethical Topics In Biotechnology

  1. Ethical issues with cloning research in humans
  2. Allowing patents on lifeforms
  3. Answers to ethical issues in biotechnology include:
  4. Should we use animals to test drugs?
  5. Should we allow human cloning?
  6. Are genetically modified foods safe to eat?
  7. Should we be allowed to patent living organisms?
  8. Is it ethical to create human-animal hybrids?
  9. Stem cells, genome editing and ethical controversies
  10. Human Cloning: Ethical Considerations & Utilitarian Arguments
  11. The consequences of the application of biotechnology

Debate Topics On Biotechnology

  1. Importance Of Biotechnology Health Sector
  2. Disadvantages And Importance At The Same Time With Dolly The Sheep Technology
  3. Bacteria Are Helpful For Us
  4. Applications Of Nanobiotechnology In Agriculture, Food And Environment
  5. The Pros And Cons Of The Human Microbiome Project (HMP)
  6. Does Science Create A Divide Between Traditional And Scientific Goals?
  7. Should Private Corporations Have The Right To Patent Living Organisms?
  8. How Far Should Scientists Be Allowed To Alter DNA?
  9. Should Companies Make Genetically Modified Foods Available To Help In The Fight Against World Hunger?
  10. Can Genetically Modified Foods Be Considered Natural?
  11. Should Bioengineering Be Used To Cure Disease?
  12. Are Genetically Modified Crops Safe To Eat?
  13. The Process Of Gene Cloning Should Be Discouraged In The United States
  14. Factories Using Genetically Modified Organisms Should Be Allowed To Operate Even If They Pose A Threat To Public Health
  15. Should Governments Strictly Monitor Processes Involving Cloning And Genetic Alteration Of Cells For Medical Purposes?
  16. Biopreneurs: Next Big Thing Or Massive Corporate Failure?

Agricultural Biotechnology

  1. The effects of Biotechnology on Agriculture
  2. Integrated Pest Management
  3. Mycobacteriology in Agriculture
  4. Secondary Metabolites in Plants and Fungi
  5. The Green Revolution and the Golden Rice Project
  6. Taking Advantage of Plant Phenotypic Plasticity to Improve Biorefinery Efficiency and Cellulosic Yields
  7. Origin and Spread of Myths about Plant Genomes by PCR Analysis
  8. RDA`s Role in the Genetic Improvement of Food Plants
  9. Cloning, Assembly and Sequencing the Rice Genome
  10. Cereal Leaf Rust-a Major Threat to Wheat Yield and Quality

Plant Biotechnology

  1. Exploring the Systemic Uptake Modification of Plants
  2. Genetic Modification of Plants to Produce Enhanced Food Products
  3. Genetic Modification of Plants during the Growth Phase
  4. Genetic Modification of Plants to Transform them into Factories to Produce Pharma Products
  5. Genetic Modification to Introduce Industrial Catalysts into Plant Cells
  6. Benefits of Plant Genetic Engineering
  7. Plant Biotechnology Scope
  8. Transgenic Plants and Crops
  9. Challenges in Plant Biotechnology
  10. Application of Plant Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
  11. Benefits and Drawbacks of Plant Biotechnology
  12. Multiple Genes and Gene Actions in Plant Biotechnology
  13. Double-Stranded RNA and RNA Interference in Plants
  14. Applications of Adeno-Associated Virus in Plants
  15. Application of Cisgenesis
  16. Gene Expression In Plants
  17. Micropropagation of Plants
  18. Organisms used in Hydroponics

Biotechnology is the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields requiring bioproducts. It is an area of applied biology involving the creation of new industrial, pharmaceutical and agricultural products and processes. By the way, when it comes to the studying of the discipline, students are often challenged with the amount of information that has to be learned. Ask AssignmentBro for help with your homework in any subject. Just write something like “help me do my math homework” to our chat bot and the 24/7 support will answer all your questions, as well as suggest a professional homework writer who will deal with your problem instead of you.

The main challenge for students when it comes to this subject is not just understanding the material; there are also several other factors that can make it difficult for them. For example, they may have trouble finding time to study or even knowing where to start in the first place.

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