Writing a Persuasive Essay on Animal Testing: Pros and Cons

It’s a common educational trend to write persuasive essays on the global problems which concern our society. If the topic of your current home assignment is a Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing: Pros And Cons, the following information will help you.

This theme is advantageous for students because there are different opinions on the matter. Most Americans say that animal testing should be banned. Supporters of experiments on dogs, rats or whatever enter into a controversy with opponents giving positive examples.

Persuasive essay writing is an effective practice for future journalists, politicians, top managers. It is a tool for participating in debates or negotiations. After mastering the techniques of a discursive speech, heavy conversational battles won’t let you down anymore.

Life Hacks For Animal Testing Essay Writing

Animal testing essay writing should satisfy the requirements stated for persuasive essays. Professional American writers working at the our assignment writing service share their life hacks for covering the topic.

Persuasive Essay In Five Steps

To write a persuasive essay, take five simple steps.

  1. Decide on your personal position.
  2. Analyze the readers audience.
  3. Use evident facts, quotes of influential persons.
  4. Explain and disprove the opposite side.
  5. Restate your opinions in the last paragraph.

Follow The Structure

The correct structure is important for custom essay writing. Your essay should be written the following way:

  • Introduction
    • Introduce the topic and controversial issues.
    • Give brief reasons to present two opposite opinions.
    • State your own position.
    • Write three supporting reasons for your position.
  • Body
  • Paragraph 1
    • Write the topic sentence presenting the first argument.
    • Give sufficient relevant examples.
    • Write closing remarks related to the examples to the topic sentence.
  • Paragraph 2
    • Do all the same for the second stated reason.
  • Paragraph 3
    • Repeat previous steps for the last argument.
  • Conclusion
    • Sum up three reasons in a unique way.
    • Suggest solutions or call readers to action.
    • Write the ending sentence.

This structure impacts people like the rule of Socrates. The bottom line is that the opponent has three times agreed with the speaker so that he or she takes the speaker’s viewpoint.

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Give Logical Argumentation

The animal testing persuasive essay must contain logical argumentative sentences because its goal is to convince others of your opinion. Make reasons for or against such experimenting sound significant by giving figures, statistics, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages in Examples

Look through practical examples of pros and cons that you can use in a persuasive essay on animal experimentation of your own.

Three Sample Pros

  1. Lab animals help researchers find medical remedies. Due to that, many useful discoveries were made, including the development of antibiotics, vaccines, cancer drugs. Monuments in honor of lab animals are established in different places around the globe. You can find the memorial to frogs in Tokyo (Japan) and Paris (France). Pavlov’s laboratory dogs, cats, and mice have been immortalized in stone sculptures in Saint Petersburg and Novosibirsk (Russia). Such monuments serve as the best evidence of a great historical meaning of examinees.
  2. This sort of experimentation is meaningful in teaching. Students of medical or vet universities conduct studies with certain species. A frog section is one of the laboratory tasks at school and the requirement of the curricula.
  3. Lab rats test side effects. Researchers use them to guarantee the safety of drugs. If scientists want to know what happens in case of overdose or prolonged use, they check treatments on rodents.

Three Possible Cons

  1. The American Department of Health is against cruelty to animals. It is going to ban testing cosmetic products on them. Reputable cosmetics manufacturers indicate in the product description that it was not tested on animals. Killing or keeping them in captivity for the needs of the beauty industry is contrary to the governmental environment-friendly policy.
  2. Examining gives unreliable results. Many studies show that reactions in humans and animals are not the same. It casts doubt on the accuracy of such kinds of experimentation. This is the main reason why animal testing should be banned.
  3. The use of animals in the lab is a big business. Prof. Charles R. Magel says that such experimentation rests on a logical contradiction. He explains that experimenters try to make it so that their response matches the expectations of the public. Depending on the situation, they say that animals are similar to humans or different from us. Think logically about whether we need to hurt living beings while conducting mindless experiments, and who benefits from that.

Good luck with your persuasive essay on animal experimentation!

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