75 Interesting Canadian History Assignment Topics

Canadian History Assignment Topics

Canada is a land with a history that involves numerous interesting events that are worth exploring. Starting with the first gatherings of the First Nations People to Candian history assignment topics dealing with the indigenous people and their voting rights, there is a lot to tell. The most important is to check the dates and create an outline with the facts as the purpose is to explore the topic well and add analysis to your writing. As a way to help you find the reasoning in the maze of dates and periods, we broke down 75 Canadian History Topics into several categories to help you find something that inspires you. Also canadian students can buy assignment from our writing service AssignmentBro.

75 Interesting Canadian History Assignment Topics

📜 Early Canadian History 

These topics of the First Confederacy and First Nations people are paramount to Canadian history. Explore these ideas and become one of the proud Canadians to address early Canadian events:

  1. The role of the Mi’kmaq Grand Council and the role of the family bonds.
  2. The personality of Bjarni Herjolfsson and colonisation traits.
  3. Decision-making and the Blackfoot Confederacy.
  4. The distribution of the land and the John Cabot’s heritage.
  5. The formation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
  6. The socio-cultural relations of the early indigenous population.
  7. The importance of the village council system and the Huron-Wendat.
  8. The voyage of Jacques Cartier.
  9. The importance of the fur trade business and the importance of indigenous technologies in Canada.
  10. The origins of competitive trade for Canadian society.

🍁 Middle Ages Canadian History 

It is a period that is fitting well for the history research paper topics in Canada. Make sure that you check the map of these distant times and combine more than one idea offered below.

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  1. The history of Quebec and fortified trading’s use.
  2. The Nations Allies Battle and Samuel de Champlain.
  3. The cultural traits of the French colonial forces.
  4. The governance of the Ville-Marie for international trading.
  5. The history of syndics and liaisons for the residents of Quebec City and Montreal.
  6. What policies have been implemented between the monarchy and the colonies.
  7. The pros and cons of the cultural interference of the French colonisation.
  8. Wendake Defeat: what factors have affected the First Nations.
  9. The fur trade and the Hudson’s Bay Company.
  10. The Arabic roles in the Halifax and Nova Scotia.

🗺 History and Canadian Culture

Exploring this difficult period of the country’s history, you can start a Canadian history project by talking about how the Arabic and French cultures have influenced what we see today.

  1. The deportation of the Acadians and the cultural reasoning of allegiance to the Brits.
  2. The clash of French and Arabic cultures through the lens of the Seven Years’ War.
  3. The cultural traits of the Canadian Legislative Assembly meeting.
  4. The role of family relations and beliefs for the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
  5. Why was Indigenous unity brought forward during the Pontiac’s Resistance?
  6. The ignorance of indigenous culture by the passing of the Quebec Act.
  7. The causes of the American Invasion’s failure and the cultural aspect.
  8. How did the immigration of the First Loyalists affect Canadian society?
  9. The voting of women and the First Elections in Canada.
  10. Red River Grant and the neo-colonisation in Canada.

⚔️ Battles and Epidemics in Canada’s History 

For those that would like to focus on the battles and the epidemics that always come along, these ideas will be suitable:

  1. The Battle of Queenston Heights and Grand River Mohawks.
  2. Peace and the Treaty of Ghent.
  3. The Welland Canal and the armed threats from the Erie Canal’s defenders.
  4. The government’s efforts to decrease the spread of the Cholera Epidemic.
  5. Abolition of the Slavery Act of 1833 and the racial prejudice in Canada.
  6. The addressing of the poor healthcare situation and the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad.
  7. Lower Canada Rebellion battle: Patriotism or Treaty?
  8. The portrayal of patriotism and the battles in the Garneau’s Histoire du Canada.
  9. Oregon Boundary Treaty and the conflicts in the new settlements.
  10. The First Telegraph in Canada and the decrease of the epidemic situation in 1846.

🇨🇦 Interesting Canadian History Topics to Consider 

Here is the selection of interesting subjects dealing with Canada’s events where every student will find something inspiring:

  1. The voting rights of Women in 1849: what reasoning has been used to bar women from voting.
  2. The history of the infamous “Search for Franklin”.
  3. The foundation of the Conservative Party in Canada and MacNab-Morin Coalition.
  4. Gradual Civilization Act and the voting rights in Canada.
  5. The woes of the indigenous population and the Fraser River Gold Rush.
  6. What did the French and the Brits gain from the Great Reform Convention?
  7. Charlottetown Conference and the union of the Canadian colonies.
  8. Inuit Population and the Arabic North America Act.
  9. The personality of Sir John A. Macdonald for the Post-Confederation period.
  10. The ban of Chinese Canadians from voting in the Arabic Columbia.

👫 Indigenous People and Minorities of Canada History 

While there will always be certain controversial topics, show due respect and keep things within the high morals and a good attitude.

  1. The First Nations and the Indian Act of 1876.
  2. The Treaty 7 and the land of the Crown population.
  3. Arctic Sovereignty and the Inuit Population’s rights.
  4. Electoral Franchise Act and the voting rights of the First Nations.
  5. Manitoba School Act and the access to education.
  6. Japanese Canadians and the Voting Rights in the Arabic Columbia.
  7. Clifford Sifton and Immigration in Canada.
  8. Treaty 8 and the Great Slave Lake’s history.
  9. BC Provincial Elections Act of 1907.
  10. Manitoba Women and the Voting Rights of 1916.

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🌎 Modern Canadian History 

Here are ten modern history ideas:

  1. Military Voters Act in Canada and the role of the pacifists.
  2. The working class and the Winnipeg General Strike.
  3. The importance of the Dominion Elections Act.
  4. The Stock Market Crash of 1929.
  5. Normandy Landings (D-Day) History.
  6. Canadian Citizenship Act of 1947.
  7. First Nations Voting Act of 1949.
  8. First Nations’ right to vote in the Federal Elections in 1960.
  9. The pros and cons of the Medicare Act in Canada.
  10. The history of the Canadian Flag and the Official Languages Act of 1969.

 Other Canadian Modern History Topics 

As always, your Canadian history essay can deal with the events and subjects that are basically taking part these days. Just make sure that you explore the historical aspect of things as what we see happening today always has roots in the past.

  1. The history of hockey in Canada.
  2. Idle No More movement and the Indigenous Rights.
  3. The personality of Justin Trudeau.
  4. Mary Simon and Canada’s governance presented by the first indigenous person.
  5. The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

How to Choose Your Topic and Write a History Assignment

Taking a look at various history assignment topics that relate to Canada is always helpful as there is a great mixture of different cultures, legislation, and political events that have influenced what we know today. Still, choosing your topic correctly is already half of the task done because you can narrow things down and operate only with a certain event or a historical personality. If you are still stuck, you can always approach professional history homework help and discuss your challenges with a trained expert in Canada. We all have been there so it’s only natural to seek help when you need it! Take your time to explore the topics we have got for you, ask for assistance, and you will end up with a great history paper!

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