150 Persuasive Essay Topics for Students

Persuasive Essay Topics

Have you ever wondered why you are not getting bored of reading or even re-reading the classics of American literature? A great persuasive essay is more attention-grabbing because it calls for your critical thinking and analytical skills. It covers some aspects that are on the rise in society. However, we bet this art can be learned. Do you want to try?

What Is a Persuasive Essay and What Does It Consist Of

A persuasive essay or argument essay is a call for action that utilizes the arsenal of evidence and influence to make the audience think critically, reconsider the topic and adopt the writer’s opinion. Writing persuasive speeches is a necessary tool to impact public opinion and change people’s perception of certain things.

A good persuasive essay of a high academic level consists of three main parts, which are the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

The introduction provides background information about the chosen persuasive essay topic and grabs the readers’ attention. The better you write this part, the more successful your essay will be. The introduction should end with a clear thesis statement.

The body should provide arguments to support your thesis. It should be split into several paragraphs, each focusing on a particular point. This is the part where you can do your research and present your opinion to the world. It usually takes time to prepare a good speech to impact your peers in college or school.

The conclusion is something that draws the line and makes every reader or listener think of the speech topics more, critically assessing the evidence presented by the writer before adopting his or her point of view.  At AssignmentBro you can order essay writing on any topic.

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How to Select a Great Persuasive Essay Topic

Writing essays of a different kind is well-established practice in our education system. However, before getting to write an essay, you need to choose a subject matter that would be interesting to the audience. Here is a quick guide to choosing the best topic for your essay.

  1. Do a detailed research
    Before you start, think of which issues can be relevant to your community. It can relate to health, medicine, social media, animal life, money, politics, free education, etc. Try to research them as good as you can to find the one that you like most.
  2. Decide on the level of education of your target audience
    It is critically important to address your target audience with the words they understand. Mind the level of education of your audience, be it high school, college or university students, and decide how to build your speech.
  3. Be specific and provide details
    Much of your success depends on your ability to persuade the audience. You should choose only those arguments that can be researched well and supported by solid evidence.
  4. Your topic should be debatable
    The more controversial is your topic, the more attention you will be able to grab. You can easily maneuver from topic to topic while discussing the issues that are relevant to the public and you can choose a listed discursive essay topic that will appropriate for your preferences. Do not choose too scientific and complex issues since your audience may not be well-versed in them.
  5. Use help if you need

There are plenty of online sources and websites where you can find inspiration and choose the topic you want to discuss for free. You also can find an essay writer who can help you out with writing.




Easy and Simple




Constitutional Issues




Food and Drink




Funny and Humorous

How to Write a Great Persuasive Essay

  1. Understand the Assignment
    Before you can start writing, you need to understand what is being asked of you. This means not only understanding the topic but also the format and the guidelines provided by your teacher or professor. If you have troubles with writing, you can ask for assignment writing help at our service AssignmentBro
  2. Choose Your Topic
    If the topic isn’t provided, it’s up to you to choose something you’re passionate about and that you believe you can convincingly argue about. Remember, a good persuasive essay requires a strong stance on the issue, but also a deep understanding of both sides of the argument.
  3. Know Your Audience
    Understanding who you are writing to is critical in persuasive writing. Knowing your audience’s viewpoints on your topic can help you decide what arguments will be most effective, what kind of evidence to use, and in what tone to write.
  4. Research Thoroughly
    Regardless of how much you already know about the topic, thorough research is crucial to fortify your position. Find credible sources that offer different perspectives on the topic, this will not only help you make a better argument but also prepare you for possible counterarguments.
  5. Formulate Your Thesis
    Your thesis is the main point of your essay. It is the argument you’ll strive to defend throughout your essay. Ensure that it is clear, concise, and can be backed up by the evidence you’ve gathered.
  6. Develop Your Essay Outline
    The outline should organize your thoughts and arguments in a coherent way. Typically, an essay starts with an introduction (including the thesis statement), followed by the body paragraphs (each presenting a separate argument supporting your thesis), and ends with a conclusion (rephrasing your thesis and summarizing your arguments).
  7. Write the Essay
    Start drafting your essay based on the outline. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence, followed by evidence to support it, and end each paragraph with a concluding sentence that reinforces your argument.
  8. Employ Persuasive Techniques
    Using persuasive language and rhetorical devices can make your essay more convincing. Techniques include repetition, parallel structure, rhetorical questions, and the careful use of ethos, pathos, and logos appeals.
  9. Conclude Your Essay
    Your conclusion should summarize your main points and reiterate your thesis statement, ideally in a way that offers a new insight. This part of your essay is your final chance to persuade your reader to your point of view, so make it count.
  10. Revise and Edit
    Always take time to revise and edit your essay. Look for any awkward sentences, unclear arguments, grammar mistakes, and punctuation errors. Additionally, ensure your argument remains clear and your evidence supports your thesis throughout the essay.

By following these steps, your persuasive essay will not only be clear and organized, but it will also be engaging and convincing to your reader.

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